World Food and Agriculture Development Group and Kafu Group Sign New Fertilizer and Musang King Durian Quota Sales Agreement (Part Four)

In the morning of July 20, 2024, the WFADG and Kafu Group held a signing ceremony for the Sino-Malaysian New Fertilizer and Musang King Durian Quota Sales Agreement at the WFADG (Malaysia) liaison office.

At the signing ceremony for the Sino-Malaysian New Fertilizer and Musang King Durian Quota, Chairman XieKun warmly received Malaysian media reporters at the liaison office in Malaysia. Chairman Xie Kun comprehensively explained to the media the advanced scientific technologies of the WFADG in areas such as corn planting, straw recycling for brewing and reuse, new fertilizers, road paving, and construction materials, as well as food-grade agricultural "four-piece set" (herbicides, yield enhancers, insecticides, and disease control agents). Chairman Xie emphasized that the WFADG is firmly committed to adhering to the national strategy of "storing grain in the land and storing grain in technology," and is dedicated to creating a unique, distinctive, and highly safe technological profile for World Grain. The group strives to push modern agricultural technology and building technology to a global scale, injecting strong technological driving forces into modern agriculture and new building materials, and benefiting all of humanity.

Chairman XieKun met with Malaysian media reporters for an interview.

Following that, Chairman Xie met with Mr. Tong Tian Sheng, Chairman of Tangcheng Orchard and a strategic partner of Kafu Group, for an in-depth discussion. As a pioneer in Musang King durian seedlings with 40 years of extensive experience, Mr. Tong passionately shared his steadfast dedication, valuable experiences, and profound insights gained from years of cultivating durian seedlings. He remarked, "If I am not at home, I am definitely at the durian orchard. If I am not at the orchard, I am certainly on the way there. That is my daily routine." Chairman Xie introduced the group's agricultural technology research achievements over the years. Mr. Tong expressed great interest in the WFADG's crop yield enhancers and presented copies of his book, Tangcheng Orchard and the Origins of Musang King, to Chairman Xie and his delegation.

Dr. Xu Shun Xuan, the founder of Bio Active Aqua Biotechnology Fertilizer Company
During the meeting, Dr. Xu Shun Xuan, the founder of Bio Active Aqua Biotechnology Fertilizer Company, used a PowerPoint presentation to provide a detailed and comprehensive report to Chairman Xie. He addressed the current situation in Malaysia, where excessive use of chemical fertilizers has led to soil compaction, as well as the research and development of compound fertilizers, element ratios, production and processing yields, and the challenges faced. Chairman Xie expressed his commitment to fully support and assist the company in overcoming these challenges, helping it achieve better development, and advancing the Sino-Malaysian new fertilizer market to the forefront of the global stage.

Dr. Xu Shun Xuan, Founder of Bio Active Aqua Biotechnology Fertilizer Company

The Chairman of the WFADG, Mr. Jie Kun, the Executive President of the WFADG, Ms. Jia Lina, the Executive Director of the Henan Liaison Office of the Group, Mr. Liu Jin Zhong, the Director of the Dandong Liaison Office, Mr. Sun Yong Qiang, and the Chairman of Kafu Group , Mr. Wong Chong Lin, signed cooperation agreements for the new organic fertilizer project and the Musang King durian quota sales agreement.

Group Chairman XieKun and Dato' Wong Chong Lin, Chairman of Kafu Group (Malaysia), signed the organic fertilizer cooperation agreement.

Jia Li Na, Executive President of the WFADG, and Dato' Wong Chong Lin, Chairman of Kafu Group (Malaysia), signed the Musang King durian quota sales agreement.

Liu Jin Zhong, representative of the WFADG (Henan) Liaison Office, and Dato' Wong, Chairman of Kafu Group (Malaysia), signed the Musang King durian quota sales agreement.

Sun Yong Qiang, Director of the WFADG (Dandong) Liaison Office, and Dato' Wong, Chairman of Kafu Group (Malaysia), signed the Musang King durian quota sales agreement.

Attendees included:

  • Zhang Ge Er, Director of the Agricultural Science Industry Research Institute
  • Chen Kang Lin, Director of the Wild Medicinal Fungi Research Institute
  • Man Jing, Assistant Director of the Agricultural Science Industry Research Institute
  • Mao Han Zhang, Head of the Legal Affairs Department, and Wang Xia, Office Director
  • Xu Xin and Wang Qiang, Liaison Office (Handan)
  • Liu Jin Zhong and Zhao Lin, Liaison Office (Henan)
  • Zhan Mei and Liu Ping, Liaison Office (Sichuan)
  • Sun Yong Qiang and Sun Tao, Liaison Office (Dandong)
  • Li Shi Xia and Wang Kui, Liaison Office (Shandong)
  • Zhang Yuan Jiu, Executive Deputy Director of the Liaison Office (Chongqing)

You can read the full article here:

Jul 30,2024